Why we like Monday’s but don’t like Fridays at Protect & Serve
By Lisa Smith
Friday may be everyone’s favourite day of the week but that also includes burglars – a recent survey has revealed.
Protect & Serve has seen a report from the Office for National Statistics* which reveals that one home in the UK is burgled every 165 seconds with the most common day for a home invasion the day before the weekend.
Crime figures show that break-ins are less likely to happen on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays with Mondays being the safest day with just 7.4 per cent of all burglaries reported.
By the end of the week however the likelihood of your home being broken into shoots up with 21.6 per cent of reported burglaries being committed on a Friday.
Police believe this is because Friday tends to be one of the most social days of the week when people go out after work and often post their location on social media giving burglars the green light that their homes may be empty.
As crimes such as burglary are often done to feed the criminals’ own needs and habits, Fridays also mean stolen goods can be sold off easily over the weekend.
These worrying statistics of course can be avoided with a monitored burglar alarm which is why at Protect & Serve we urge everyone to consider protecting their home.
We offer a wide range of security systems including fully monitored alarms which are backed up by the support of an ARC – alarm receiving centre.
In the event of an activation, the monitoring station will attempt to contact you and your keyholders until they get a response and if they cannot reach anyone, they will call for a guarded response to your property who in turn will summon police if required.
Protect & Serve also recommend that you set your alarm not just at night, but in the day too even if you are only popping out for a few minutes.
The statistics show that between 10am and 3pm is the prime time for a break-in and not as often late at night as the media might lead us to believe.
Mick Vry, Chairman of Protect & Serve said: “The peace of mind in having a fully monitored alarm system means that day or night or whatever day of the week, your home is protected.
“The cost of installing a system is a small price to pay when compared to the damage, stress and heartache of falling victim to a home invasion.”
For more information on monitored home alarm systems, please contact us on 0333 666 2121 or email us at enquiries&protectserve.co.uk
* Courtesy of Daily Mirror. 14 Jan 2024